Forecasting of the Employment Rate in the EU ICT Field

dc.abstract.enTheingrained tendency toimplement information andcommunication technologies (ICT) inEU enterprises over thelast decade has caused dramatic changes inthelabor market. Since thede-mand forICT personnel is growing, there is still aneed tocreate acomprehensive strategy toeffectively manage ICT specialists when restructuring enterprises. Theaim oftheresearch is toidentify transferring processes between low‑ andhigh‑skilled ICT personnel andpredict theemployment rate intheICT field until 2025. AMarkov chain was used as themethod ofanal-ysis. Using statistical data about theemployment rate ofICT personnel by education attainment level, wehave built aMarkov chain model that describes theprocesses ofICT personnel with different levels ofeducation. Data from 2005to2019 was used tobuild forecasting because oftheabsence ofthelatest information. Wedemonstrate that with thehelp ofdigitalization, theemployment rate ofICT staff in2025 will increase by 64% compared to2018. Theresearch verifies that ICT personnel will be ingreat demand until 2023 and, importantly, low‑ andmid-dle‑skilled personnel will be indemand, as well as high‑skilled personnel. Theemployment rate intheICT field will be atits highest level in2022 as thefavorable economic conditions forICT adoption will help it. The growing demand for low‑ and medium‑skilled ICT staff are met both by staff relocation processes and by the increasing digitalization of business units and public sec-tor institutions. The added value of the analysis is the prediction that the largest growth in ICT personnel employment will occur by 2023, but employment growth will slow down after that. The main obstacle to employment growth through digitalization is the global economic crisis because of different reasons.
dc.affiliationAdministracji i Nauk Społecznych
dc.contributor.authorTetiana Zatonatska
dc.contributor.authorYuriy Klapkiv
dc.contributor.authorOleksandr Dluhopolskyi
dc.contributor.authorOlha Fedirko
dc.description.abstract<jats:p>The ingrained tendency to implement information and communication technologies (ICT) in EU enterprises over the last decade has caused dramatic changes in the labor market. Since the de­mand for ICT personnel is growing, there is still a need to create a comprehensive strategy to effectively manage ICT specialists when restructuring enterprises. The aim of the research is to identify transferring processes between low‑ and high‑skilled ICT personnel and predict the employment rate in the ICT field until 2025. A Markov chain was used as the method of anal­ysis. Using statistical data about the employment rate of ICT personnel by education attainment level, we have built a Markov chain model that describes the processes of ICT personnel with different levels of education. Data from 2005 to 2019 was used to build forecasting because of the absence of the latest information. We demonstrate that with the help of digitalization, the employment rate of ICT staff in 2025 will increase by 64% compared to 2018. The research verifies that ICT personnel will be in great demand until 2023 and, importantly, low‑ and mid­dle‑skilled personnel will be in demand, as well as high‑skilled personnel. The employment rate in the ICT field will be at its highest level in 2022 as the favorable economic conditions for ICT adoption will help it. The growing demand for low‑ and medium‑skilled ICT staff are met both by staff relocation processes and by the increasing digitalization of business units and public sec­tor institutions. The added value of the analysis is the prediction that the largest growth in ICT personnel employment will occur by 2023, but employment growth will slow down after that. The main obstacle to employment growth through digitalization is the global economic crisis because of different reasons.</jats:p>
dc.pbn.affiliationeconomics and finance
dc.relation.ispartofComparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe
dc.subject.enemployment management
dc.subject.enlabor demand
dc.subject.enMarkov chain
dc.titleForecasting of the Employment Rate in the EU ICT Field