Economic conditions of international entrepreneurship - globalization and global business

dc.abstract.enThe issue of international trade is undoubtedly one of the most important foundations of the contemporary processes of internationalization and globalization. However, before they appeared, other events had to take place, the cumulative effects of which led to the formation of today's structure of the world economy understood as a specific system of connections between the main actors of international economic relations, i.e. international organizations, states and enterprises/corporations. It is worth, therefore, before proceeding with the analysis of current problems, to make a synthetic indication of the most important issues from modern economic history relating to the issues of international trade. Man as a farming being, motivated to act by his needs, constantly strives to satisfy them.
dc.affiliationAdministracji i Nauk Społecznych
dc.contributor.authorSylwia Skrzypek-Ahmed
dc.contributor.authorLyubomir Antonov
dc.contributor.authorMagdalena Maciaszczyk
dc.contributor.authorKrystyna Kmiotek
dc.description.abstract<jats:p>The issue of international trade is undoubtedly one of the most important foundations of the contemporary processes of internationalization and globalization. However, before they appeared, other events had to take place, the cumulative effects of which led to the formation of today's structure of the world economy understood as a specific system of connections between the main actors of international economic relations, i.e. international organizations, states and enterprises/corporations. It is worth, therefore, before proceeding with the analysis of current problems, to make a synthetic indication of the most important issues from modern economic history relating to the issues of international trade. Man as a farming being, motivated to act by his needs, constantly strives to satisfy them. Streszczenie Problematyka handlu międzynarodowego jest jednym z najważniejszych fundamentów współczesnych procesów internacjonalizacji i globalizacji gospodarki światowej. Zanim jednak one się pojawiły, musiały nastąpić inne zdarzenia, których skumulowane skutki doprowadziły do ukształtowania się dzisiejszej struktury gospodarki światowej rozumianej jako specyficzny system powiązań pomiędzy głównymi aktorami międzynarodowych stosunków gospodarczych, tj. organizacjami międzynarodowymi, państwami oraz korporacjami. Warto zatem syntetycznego wskazania najważniejszych zagadnień współczesnej historii gospodarczej, odnoszących się do problematyki handlu międzynarodowego. W artykule wykorzystano analityczne i syntetyczne metody badawcze.</jats:p>
dc.pbn.affiliationeconomics and finance
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Modern Science
dc.subject.eninternational business
dc.subject.eneconomization of trade processes
dc.subject.enworld economy
dc.subject.eninternational entrepreneurship
dc.titleEconomic conditions of international entrepreneurship - globalization and global business