The Highly Sensitive Child as a challenge for education – introduction to the concept

dc.abstract.enThe main aim of this paper is to summarize available findings related to the subject of high sensitivity from both the educational and parenting perspectives. According to the authors of the concept of Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), between 15% and 20% of the population exhibit such traits, therefore one has to say that it is necessary to raise the awareness of this sub-ject amongst parents and teachers. High sensitivity may exhibit itself in many ways, depending on the environmental and other temperamental conditions. Understanding its main characteristics (DOES) will allow one to appreciate the potential of this condition instead of focusing on its defi-ciencies. Such a perspective opens up possible avenues of supporting the Highly Sensitive Child’s resources by both parents and teachers. A review was carried out to answer a research question by collecting and summarizing theo-retical and empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria. The study selection criteria was to find literature/paper reviews and primary studies published in indexed journals included in various databases and focused on Sensory Processing Sensitivity directly, transdisciplinary and ho-listic approaches were central to the process. In the research strategy, the following databases were consulted: PSYCinfo, Scopus and PubMed. The keywords sensory processing, sensitive, environ-mental sensitivity, education were placed in all electronic databases and set to be found in the titles, abstracts or keywords of the documents. No limits on dates were established. At the preparation stage, articles relevant to the topic were selected and supplemented with publications related to child development and educational context. The search was conducted from December 2018 to July 2019.
dc.affiliationNauk o Człowieku
dc.contributor.authorMonika Baryła-Matejczuk
dc.contributor.authorMałgorzata Artymiak
dc.contributor.authorRosario Ferrer-Cascales
dc.contributor.authorMoises Betancort
dc.description.abstract<jats:p>The main aim of this paper is to summarize available findings related to the subject of high sensitivity from both the educational and parenting perspectives. According to the authors of the concept of Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), between 15% and 20% of the population exhibit such traits, therefore one has to say that it is necessary to raise the awareness of this subject amongst parents and teachers. High sensitivity may exhibit itself in many ways, depending on the environmental and other temperamental conditions. Understanding its main characteristics (DOES) will allow one to appreciate the potential of this condition instead of focusing on its deficiencies. Such a perspective opens up possible avenues of supporting the Highly Sensitive Child’s resources by both parents and teachers.&#x0D; A review was carried out to answer a research question by collecting and summarizing theo-retical and empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria. The study selection criteria was to find literature/paper reviews and primary studies published in indexed journals included in various databases and focused on Sensory Processing Sensitivity directly, transdisciplinary and ho-listic approaches were central to the process. In the research strategy, the following databases were consulted: PSYCinfo, Scopus and PubMed. The keywords sensory processing, sensitive, environ-mental sensitivity, education were placed in all electronic databases and set to be found in the titles, abstracts or keywords of the documents. No limits on dates were established. At the preparation stage, articles relevant to the topic were selected and supplemented with publications related to child development and educational context. The search was conducted from December 2018 to July 2019.</jats:p>
dc.relation.ispartofProblemy Wczesnej Edukacji
dc.subject.enhighly sensitive child
dc.subject.enchildren’s development environment
dc.subject.enearly education
dc.subject.enenvironmental sensitivity
dc.subject.ensensory processing sensitivity
dc.titleThe Highly Sensitive Child as a challenge for education – introduction to the concept