Corporate social responsibility in relation to the economic dimension of socio-economic policy

dc.abstract.enCorporate social responsibility is a concept that allows organizing economic life both at the level of the organization and at the level of the state taking into account the broader interests of the social environment of a contemporary enterprise and stimulating inclusive growth in the quality of economic relations. Entrepreneurs are aware that they are expected not only to generate profits, but also to fairly shape rela tions with the entire socio-economic environment. CSR can be defined as a concept through which companies voluntarily take into account social and environmental interests at the stage of strategy building, as well as relations with various stakeholder groups. Being responsible does not just mean meeting all formal and legal require ments, but in addition to increased investment in human resources, environmental protection and stakeholder relations.
dc.affiliationAdministracji i Nauk Społecznych
dc.contributor.authorUrszula Anisiewicz
dc.contributor.authorTomasz Wołowiec
dc.contributor.authorMarcin Marczuk
dc.contributor.authorMarzena Cichorzewska
dc.description.abstract<jats:sec><jats:title>Objectives</jats:title><jats:p>Corporate social responsibility is a concept that allows organizing economic life both at the level of the organization and at the level of the state taking into account the broader interests of the social environment of a contemporary enterprise and stimulating inclusive growth in the quality of economic relations. Entrepreneurs are aware that they are expected not only to generate profits, but also to fairly shape relations with the entire socio-economic environment. CSR can be defined as a concept through which companies voluntarily take into account social and environmental interests at the stage of strategy building, as well as relations with various stakeholder groups. Being responsible does not just mean meeting all formal and legal requirements, but in addition to increased investment in human resources, environmental protection and stakeholder relations.</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Material and methods</jats:title><jats:p>The purpose of the article is to theoretically analyze the role and importance of corporate social responsibility in the process of creating an inclusive and integrative role for economics and business in the economy. The article shows that neo-liberal concepts focusing on profit maximization at all costs and the "invisible" hand of the market have significantly devalued.</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Results</jats:title><jats:p>It is therefore possible to identify specific benefits of implementing corporate social responsibility principles. In the area of economic benefits, social environment and environmental.</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Conclusions</jats:title><jats:p>Social responsibility benefits not only the company itself and its direct beneficiaries, but also the economy and the environment. Responsible selling allows to build loyalty and trust of employees, and consequently supports sustainable economic development based on social participation and equitable distribution of national income.</jats:p></jats:sec>
dc.pbn.affiliationeconomics and finance
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Modern Science
dc.subject.encorporate social responsibility
dc.subject.enbusiness ethics
dc.subject.enpsychosocial capital
dc.subject.eneconomic efficiency
dc.subject.endevelopment inclusiveness
dc.subject.ensocio-economic policy
dc.titleCorporate social responsibility in relation to the economic dimension of socio-economic policy