Ways of Reforming the System of Public Finance in Poland as an Implication of the Effects of the Covid-19 Epidemic. Financial and Economic Approach

dc.abstract.enPublic finance management has a very global nature. Here decisions are made that determine everything related to collecting and allocating public means. However, the public finance system need to realize that this level is also highly entangled politi-cally, with political transformations accompanying changes of governments and coop-erating party coalitions. This accounts for the fact that some general recommendations are formed, specifying the ways of managing public means. The aim of the article is to identify ways to rationalize the reform of the public finance system in Poland. Induc-tion was used as the main research method. It consists in drawing general conclusions or establishing regularities based on the analysis of empirically established phenomena and processes. The results of the presented content are proposals to optimize financing and management of the public sector in Poland. The main conclusion from the ana-lyzes carried out assumes that the structure of public expenditure in Poland is charac-terized with high share of expenditure on social care, especially on allowances related to gaining and allowances for the family of a deceased person. Relatively high public expenditure is also allocated to education, mostly on higher education, and national defense. At the other end of the scale, categories which receive relatively little financ-ing in Poland include: healthcare, with particularly low level of investment expenditure, and general state activity (public administration and interests on public debt)
dc.affiliationAdministracji i Nauk Społecznych
dc.contributor.authorMiroslav Gejdoš
dc.contributor.authorWińczysław Jastrzębski
dc.description.abstract<jats:p>Public finance management has a very global nature. Here decisions are made that determine everything related to collecting and allocating public means. However, the public finance system need to realize that this level is also highly entangled politically, with political transformations accompanying changes of governments and cooperating party coalitions. This accounts for the fact that some general recommendations are formed, specifying the ways of managing public means. The aim of the article is to identify ways to rationalize the reform of the public finance system in Poland. Induction was used as the main research method. It consists in drawing general conclusions or establishing regularities based on the analysis of empirically established phenomena and processes. The results of the presented content are proposals to optimize financing and management of the public sector in Poland. The main conclusion from the analyzes carried out assumes that the structure of public expenditure in Poland is characterized with high share of expenditure on social care, especially on allowances related to gaining and allowances for the family of a deceased person. Relatively high public expenditure is also allocated to education, mostly on higher education, and national defense. At the other end of the scale, categories which receive relatively little financing in Poland include: healthcare, with particularly low level of investment expenditure, and general state activity (public administration and interests on public debt).</jats:p>
dc.pbn.affiliationeconomics and finance
dc.relation.ispartofTeka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie
dc.subject.enpublic finance
dc.subject.ennew public management
dc.titleWays of Reforming the System of Public Finance in Poland as an Implication of the Effects of the Covid-19 Epidemic. Financial and Economic Approach