Optimal Design of Transport Tax on the Way to National Security: Balancing Environmental Footprint, Energy Efficiency and Economic Growth

dc.abstract.enTracking the trend of restricted access to natural fossil energy resources determines the need to search for alternative energy sources, introducing energy-efficient technologies, and optimizing the energy supply system based on intelligent networks. Understanding district heating enterprises’ readiness to work with innovative renewable resources based on climate neutrality plays a unique role. Thus, this article is devoted to the study of the features of providing and determining the district heating enterprises’ capacity to integrate climate management of innovative resources to produce green thermal energy. The research methodology is based on a combination of systemic, process and cybernetic approaches to determining the resource sustainability of district heating enterprises for implementing climate innovations. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive assessment of the ability of district heating enterprises to use renewable resources (biomass, waste, hydropower, solar energy, wind energy) for the production of thermal energy according to such indicators as: an indicator of balanced resource use, an indicator of climate neutrality and an indicator of economic feasibility. The results became the basis to apply the set-theoretical approach to calculate the district heating enterprises’ coefficient of resource sustainability, based on the climate management of innovative resources to produce green thermal energy. The innovation of the fuzzy sets method lies in achieving the set goal without the deep formation of a data dynamics series, particularly interval models. The added scientific value of the method to determine the resource sustainability of district heating enterprises is used to justify the feasibility of integrating climate management with the use of innovative resources through the diversification of renewable energy sources for thermal energy production. The prospects for such results are the basis for future research to develop intersectoral clustering enterprises in the green energy production chain based on a closed cycle of renewable energy resources.
dc.affiliationAdministracji i Nauk Społecznych
dc.contributor.authorYaryna Samusevych
dc.contributor.authorSerhiy Lyeonov
dc.contributor.authorArtem Artyukhov
dc.contributor.authorVolodymyr Martyniuk
dc.contributor.authorIryna Tenytska
dc.contributor.authorJoanna Wyrwisz
dc.contributor.authorKrystyna Wojciechowska
dc.description.abstract<jats:p>To ensure the progress of sustainable development and overcome threats to national security, the development of tools for balancing ecological, economic and energy aspects of economic activity acquires special importance. This study is related to the influence of choosing different functional elements of transport taxes on their effectiveness in ensuring national security. For calculations, panel regression modelling with panel-adjusted standard errors based on the use of the Durbin–Watson test using dummy variables was chosen. The assessment involves the selection of the main factor variable (tax revenues from transport taxes, as well as an additional dummy variable) and compliance with a country’s transport taxation system, with a certain criterion for its application. The resulting criterion was chosen as an integral indicator of national security, which summarizes the parameters of environmental footprints, economic growth, energy efficiency and security. Calculations were made for nine countries (i.e., the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Ireland, Israel, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey) for the period 1996–2019. The calculations proved that the establishment of transport taxes, depending on the type and weight of the car, increases their effectiveness on ensuring national security or, depending on the cost and age of the car, weakens such effectiveness. The use of emissions generated by the car, its capacity and its type of fuel requires additional research; the obtained results did not allow for unambiguously determining their impact on the effectiveness of transport taxes. The conducted research forms the basis for choosing the optimal design of transport taxes to ensure the maximization of their regulatory effectiveness. The developed approach can be extended to evaluate the effectiveness of other environmental taxes.</jats:p>
dc.pbn.affiliationeconomics and finance
dc.subject.enenergy efficiency
dc.subject.enclimate change
dc.subject.enenergy security
dc.subject.enrenewable energy sources
dc.subject.engreen thermal energy
dc.subject.ensmart technologies
dc.subject.enenergy decarbonization
dc.subject.enclimate energy clusters
dc.titleOptimal Design of Transport Tax on the Way to National Security: Balancing Environmental Footprint, Energy Efficiency and Economic Growth